My research interests focus on sociocultural and discursive approaches to second language teaching and learning, multimodality, as well as linguistic variation and diversity in German language-teaching.
In my dissertation “Mindworld and Multimodality: The Complexity of L2 German Learners’ Individual Differences and their Engagement with Audiovisual Texts” I used a complex dynamic systems framework to explore how psychological and sociocultural learner background were related to elementary-level learners’ engagement with multimodal affordances in two genres of audiovisual texts.
In my current research, I explore, on the one hand, language ideologies and language policies in the context of German language teaching and learning and, on the other, teachers’ and learners’ subjective theories on diversity and social justice in postsecondary German language education.
| Journal Articles |
2022 | Konstruktionen von Diversität in Deutsch als Fremdsprache Lehrwerken. Zeitschrift für Deutsch im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit 38(1-2), p. 66-82 [peer reviewed]. |
2022 | Elementary-Level Learners’ Engagement with Multimodal Resources in Two Audiovisual Genres. The Language Learning Journal 50(3), p. 328-343 [peer reviewed]. |
2021 | Sprachenpolitische Implikationen zur Sprachvariation im Fremdsprachenunterricht. IDV Magazin 99. |
2021 | Sprachenpolitische Kooperationen unter dem DACH-Prinzip. Deutsche Lehrer im Ausland, Frühjahr 2021. |
2020 | with Naomi Shafer. Introduction to the Special Issue: National Standards – Local Varieties. Critical Multilingualism Studies 8(1), p. 7-22. |
2020 | The Politics and Ideologies of Pluricentric German in L2 Teaching. Critical Multilingualism Studies 8(1), p. 24-56 [peer reviewed]. |
2020 | Multilingualism and Affective Attitudes: The Sociocognitive Profiles of First-Year Learners of L2 German. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, 53(2), p. 210-228 [peer reviewed]. |
2019 | Eine Frage der Perspektive? Einstellungen Lehrender zu ‚guten’ Deutsch als Fremd-/Zweitsprache Lehrenden. KDV Info 27(52/53). |
2017 | Against All Standards: On Regional Variation in the German Language Classroom. Critical Multilingualism Studies, 5(1), p. 112–143, [peer reviewed]. |
| Book Chapters |
2015 | Identität als Motiv zum Sprachenlernen? Sprache und Identität von uruguayischen Deutschlernenden mit deutschsprachigen Vorfahren. In Beate Baumann, Sabine Hoffmann & Parvaneh Sohrabi (Eds.), Proceedings for IDT 2013, Band 2.1 − Sektionen A1, A3: Kognition, Sprache, Musik. Bolzano, Italy: bupress. |
2015 | with Denis Weger. Graphic Novels im DaF-Unterricht. Potential und praktische Anregungen. In Ulrike Eder (Ed.), Sprache erleben und lernen mit Kinder- und Jugendliteratur II. Theorien, Modelle und Perspektiven für den Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprachenunterricht. Vienna, Austria: praesens. |
| Book Reviews |
2021 | Review of the book “The Pluricentricity Debate. On Austrian German and other Germanic Standard Varieties”, by Stefan Dollinger, ÖDaF Mitteilungen. Fachzeitschrift für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache 1/2021. |
2021 | Review of the book “Österreichisches Deutsch macht Schule. Bildung und Deutschunterricht im Spannungsfeld von sprachlicher Variation und Norm“, by Rudolf de Cillia & Jutta Ransmayr, ÖDaF Mitteilungen. Fachzeitschrift für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache 1/2021. |
| In Preperation |
| An Ecological Approach to L2 Learners’ Individual Differences and Their Engagement With Multimodal Texts [article manuscript under review] |
| Language Politics in the German FL Classroom [article manuscript in preparation] |
| Invited Talks |
03/2020 | Landeskunde und kulturelles Lernen im DaF-Unterricht: Entwicklungen und Tendenzen, invited keynote and workshop at the Annual Convention of the Finnish German Teacher Association, Helsinki, Finland, [conference cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic]. |
10/2018 | (a) Eine Frage der Perspektive? Einstellungen Lernender und Lehrender zu „guten“ DaF-LehrerInnen, invited keynote;
(b) Überzeugte Praxis, workshop, Annual Convention of the Croatian German Teacher Association (KDV), Vodice, Croatia. |
| Panels Organized |
08/2022 | with Susanne Rinner, Nina Kulovics, and Glenn Levine-West; Panel Co-Chair: Sprachenlernen im universitären Kontext, XVII. International Congress for German Teachers (IDT) 2021, Vienna, Austria. |
11/2021 | with Denis Weger and Lena Schwarzl; Panel Co-Chair: Beliefs im Kontext von Sprachenlehren und -lernen, Österreichische Linguistiktagung, Vienna, Austria. |
07/2017 | with Renate Maragno; Panel Co-Chair: Landeskunde/Kulturvermittlung, XVI. IDT 2017, Fribourg, Switzerland. |
| Talks |
04/2022 | Language Ideologies and Pluricentricity in German Foreign Language Teaching, 11th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, Vienna, Austria. |
10/2021 | Linguistic Indifference in Language Policy Regimes: A Critical Discourse Analysis Approach to L2 German Teaching. German Studies Association 45th Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN. |
08/2021 | accepted/symposium cancelled; Sociocognitive approaches to L2 learners’ engagement with language and culture in audio-visual texts, World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Groningen, the Netherlands. |
11/2019 | Understanding Austria: How to Teach Austrian Regional Varieties, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Convention, Washington, D.C. |
11/2018 | Multilingual perspectives on audiovisual media, ACTFL Convention, New Orleans, LA. |
11/2017 | with Jeanne Schueller. Authentic Film with Beginning Learners: Theory Meets Practice, ACTFL Convention, Nashville, TN. |
05/2017 | (a) Landeskunde und Kulturkonzepte im DaF-Unterricht: Wo stehen wir? Wohin gehen wir?
(b) Interaktive Webtools im DaF-Unterricht [workshop], Asociación Mexicana de Profesores de Alemán (AMPAL) Convention, Villahermosa, Mexico. |
11/2016 | Culture Through Advertisement: Teaching Austrian Culture in TV Commercials, CILEX – Primer Congreso Internacional de Lenguas Extranjeras, Monterrey, Mexico. |
11/2016 | Advertising Austria: Promoting Cultural Learning with Television Commercials, ACTFL Convention, Boston, MA. |
02/2016 | Österreich: literarisch und kreativ, Canadian Association of Teachers of German (CATG) Convention, Montréal, Canada. |
11/2015 | (a) Against All Standards: Austrian Regional Languages in the German Classroom?
(b) with Juliane Fischer. Mapping Austria—Cultures, Languages, and Literature (on behalf of the Austrian Cultural Forum New York, ACFNY), ACTFL Convention, San Diego, CA. |
11/2015 | Video-mediated listening and collaborative learning. Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers (WAFLT) Conference, Appleton, WI. |
07/2013 | Die Rolle der Identität im Sprachlernprozess am Beispiel von uruguayischen Deutschlernenden mit deutschsprachigen Vorfahren, XV. IDT, Bolzano, Italy. |
07/2011 | Fremdsprachenwachstum: Authentisches Hören und Lesen im DaF-Unterricht, 8th Brazilian German Teacher Congress, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. |
| Poster Presentations |
04/2015 | with Daria Aleeva and Lauren Goodspeed. Analyzing L2 Identity Through Metaphor. SLA Graduate Student Symposium, University of Iowa, Iwoa City, IA. |
07/2013 | with Mareike Boysen, Brigitte Stückler-Sturm & Denis Weger. Prinzipien der Arbeit mit Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im DaF-Unterricht in der Grundstufe anhand praktischer Beispiele. XV. IDT, Bolzano, Italy. |