University of Tennessee, Knoxville | |
2022 - present | Course Manager for Second Year German: coordinate with Language Program Director in curriculum reform and textbook transition/implementation; develop multi-section syllabi and assessments for third and fourth semester German language courses; assist in training and mentoring teaching assistants and lecturers; |
Webster Vienna Private University | |
2018 - 2021 | Language Center Coordinator: supervise Language Center tutors and adjunct faculty in German; develop, introduce, and supervise English intensive university preparation program; revise and supervise German language curriculum; introduce, coordinate, and administer German language placement tests; introduce and supervise IELTS/TOEFL testing and crash courses; supervise English academic literacy projects; |
2018 – 2021 | Working Group for Equal Opportunities: design university-wide affirmative action plan; advise university’s executive board on affirmative action policies and code of conduct; organize diversity training workshops; organize two international women’s day panel discussions; moderate 2021 international women’s day panel discussion on Women and the Pandemic; |
2020, Summer | Critical Pedagogies Reading Group: organize and host weekly reading group meetings; |
2018 - 2019 | Undergraduate student advisor: advise undergraduate students in the Business and Management department; |
2018 - 2019 | Faculty hiring committees: advise on hiring strategies for the Center for Liberal Arts; read and evaluate applications for assistant professor positions in History and Sociology; participate in interview panels; |
University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
2016/2017 | German and Dutch Graduate Students Association (GDGSA) Undergraduate Committee: organize weekly coffee hours and film screenings; |
2016 | Publicity Committee of the SLA Graduate Student Symposium: design and distribute conference publicity materials; |
2015/2016 | GDGSA Orientation and Recruitment Committee: correspond with prospective graduate students; assist in scheduling campus visits; |
2015 | GDGSA Conference Committee: assist in conference organization; |
Service to the Profession | |
ongoing | Peer reviews: German Quarterly, The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Sociolinguistics, Critical Multilingualism Studies, Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, Neofilolog |
2020 - present | Working group Sprachenpolitische Thesen zur IDT 2022: formulate language political theses for the 2022 international German teacher conference (IDT) |
2017 - present | DACHL-Gremium of the International German Teacher Association (IDV): serve as ÖDaF representative; strategize, plan, and conduct projects to promote the DACH-principle in L2 German teaching world-wide; |
2013 | ÖDaF IDT Committee: coordinate participation of Austrian institutions at the IDT expo; coordinate official Austrian gift to conference attendees; |
2013 | ÖDaF Conference Committee: implement new call-for-paper system for conference contributions; coordinate conference assistants; |
2012 | ÖDaF Conference Committee: assist in conference organization; |